Rockwool LRB Mattresses

Rockwool LRB Mattresses

Lightly Resin Bonded Rockwool mattresses (L.R.B) are flexible rock fiber mattresses, Stitched with wire. Mesh of manufactured from stable rock fibers bonded with minimum quantity of thermosetting resin binder. L.R.B Mattresses are light weight, Strong, resilient, easy to handle and cut to suit intricate shapes.

Standard Dimensions (Size): - Thickness 25 to 100mm.

Width :- 1220mm x Length: 6ooomm. 

Standard Density :- Density 80kgs/ m3 -150 Kgs/m3

Working Temperature: - Up to 750°C.

Application : – It can be used on steam pipelines, Reactor, Boiler Hot tank & vessel etc.